Thank you again, JL Mudd families for making our fundraiser such a success! We raised $11,279.32! That is a great start to helping our new playground dreams come true! Students got to Paint the Principals today for exceeding our $10,000 goal! Below is how it started and how it ended!! Have a great weekend, JLM Panther Cubs!

Kindergarten Enrollment is open for the 2025-2026 school year. Send this link to a friend: go.FZSD.us/Kindergarten and encourage them to visit their elementary school today between 2-7 p.m.

Guess what time it is...Time to check out Kindergarten! All incoming kindergarten students are welcome to come by March 5th from 2-7pm!

Wednesday, 2-19-2025 will be a traditional snow day in FZSD. There will be no school 2-19-2025 due to inclement weather and road conditions. Just a reminder, this means the day will have to be made up at the end of the school year. Again, 2-19-2025 will be a snow day in FZSD.

Attention JL Mudd Families!!!!!
We can't wait to meet our incoming Kindergarteners! March 5th is Enrollment Day! If you have a child that will be 5 years old on or before July 31, 2025, this day is for you.
Stop by between 2:00 and 7:00 p.m. You will have the opportunitiy to meet some JLM teachers, tour the school and register your child!

Update: All activities and facilities usage in Fort Zumwalt School District are canceled today, Feb. 18, 2025.

Hello Fort Zumwalt. Today, 2-18-25, will be an AMI day in FZSD. Students grades 6 - 12 should log in to Canvas. Students grades Pre-K - 5 should complete AMI packet No. 5. Remember, AMI Days do not have to be made up. Get all you need to know at go.FZSD.us/AMIDays.

Students in first grade are mastering so many reading skills! Students work one on one with their teacher and in small groups each day.

The cast and crew of the FZN Panther Players invite you to go to a show! Catch them in action, performing Farce of Nature at 7 p.m., tonight, tomorrow and Saturday. More, including link to buy tickets, at https://nhs.fz.k12.mo.us/o/nhs/article/2010688

Due to the forecast weather conditions and travel advisories, Wednesday, 2/2/2025 will be an AMI day. Grades 6 - 12 should log in to Canvas. Pre-K - 5 should complete AMI packet No. 4. Remember, AMI Days do not have to be made up. More at go.FZSD.us/AMIDays.

Shoutout to our amazing counselors! Last week was National Counselor Appreciation Week and at JL Mudd we love our counselors. Their spirit week was a big hit and students especially loved dressing up for what they want to be when they grow up!

If it seems that you've been hearing that a lot of your student's friends have been sick, you're not alone. Our team of school nurses has noticed it, too, and shares a few key reminders to help you and your student(s) stay healthy as we all look toward the end of cold and flu season.
1. Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after using the restroom and before eating.
2. When you need to cough or sneeze, do so into a tissue or your elbow
3. Stay home/keep your student home when feeling sick
Our nurses are so thankful to have you on their team as they work to keep our students and our schools healthy. Remember, you can find the graphic below any time on our website under Clinics, Health and Wellness.

We are proud to announce our 24-25 Educator and Employee of the year! Mrs. Rhine and Ms. Hayden work hard to support students, families , and staff each day. Congratulations ladies, we are beyond grateful for all that you do.

Teachers are learners! JL Mudd and Forest park came together to develop a better understanding of phonics in the reading process K-5.

Do you know someone who will be 5 years old on or before July 31? Then it's time to get ready for Kindergarten! Enrollment day is March 5. Learn more on our website.
Set time for your soon-to-be Kindergartener to meet one of our Parent Educators for a Kindergarten Screening to help you monitor development, gain information that will help with individual growth, detect any potential delays and, provide support for intervention and enrichment. Sign-up for your student's Kindergarten Screening Today at go.FZSD.us/Kready

JL Mudd families...Who’s ready for a weekend challenge?! 🙋♀️ Get a $60 flat donation or $2 per lap donation before Monday and you’ll score a GOLDEN EDITION Dude Perfect keychain! 😮 Good luck!

It’s going to take everyone working together to reach our goal of $10,000. We know that this will really make a difference here at JL Mudd!

🎉 LET’S GO! 🎉 Our Panther Cub Glow Run starts TODAY! We’re raising $10,000 for new playground equipment and need YOUR help — it just takes a minute to sign up! Then, share your page to friends & family!
🙌 Thank you for making a difference for our school!

Want to learn more about a career in education? Join us for our first College of Education Connection Fair, 6-8 p.m., Jan. 23 at our Professional Development Center.
Want to teach in Fort Zumwalt? We're hosting a hiring fair for certified educators Feb. 1. Guaranteed interview!
Learn more: https://www.fz.k12.mo.us/article/1963989

Welcome back! We look forward to seeing staff and students in person today. It is an A Day for high schools and middle schools and a C Day for elementary. A few reminders:
Bundle up!
Give yourself extra time.
Elementary families please send all of your completed packets back today.
Meal options can be found in the FZ app or on your school website in the menu under Dining.
Wave to our crew! They did an amazing job getting your school ready for you come back.
Make it a great day!