Due to the extreme cold, Fort Zumwalt School District will have a Snow Day tomorrow, Jan. 16, 2024. There is no school and the day will have to be made up at the end of the year. Keep warm!
about 1 year ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
Snow Day No School Tuesday Jan. 16, 2024 Tentative last day now is May 30, 2024
Ready to excel in your career? Make teaching in Fort Zumwalt YOUR reality! Take the next step and join us at our upcoming hiring fair on Saturday, Feb. 3rd. Text JOINFZSD to 52345 and reserve your interview spot. Looking for educators to join our awesome team and support our mission to Educate, Empower, and Equip Students to Excel. Visit go.fzsd.us/workforfzsd to discover more about exciting opportunities that await you. #FZEquipToExcel #FindYourDirection #work4fzsd #FZSDjobfair
about 1 year ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
Join us at our upcoming hiring fair on Saturday, Feb. 3rd. Text JOINFZSD to 52345 and reserve your interview spot.
Ready to excel in your career? Make teaching in Fort Zumwalt YOUR reality! Take the next step and join us at our upcoming hiring fair on Saturday, Feb. 3rd. Text JOINFZSD to 52345 and reserve your interview spot. Looking for educators to join our awesome team and support our mission to Educate, Empower, and Equip Students to Excel. Visit go.fzsd.us/workforfzsd to discover more about exciting opportunities that await you. #FZEquipToExcel #FindYourDirection #work4fzsd #FZSDjobfair
about 1 year ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
Always a lot of fun at lunch when Officer McDonald stops by! Thanks for visiting our JL Mudd panther cubs!
about 1 year ago, JLM
Fun at Lunch
Fun at Lunch
Fun at Lunch
Fun at lunch
Hope it has been a restful break. We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow! HS has an A Day, MS a B Day and elementary a C Day. Remember: Download the FZ app. Set your default school in settings. Tap Menu, then Dining to see breakfast and lunch choices. Be sure you turn notifications on for important updates.
about 1 year ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
Welcome Back Classes resume tomorrow 1.4.24 HS A Day, MS B Day, EL C Day
Silent auction winners from Winter Wonderland got to spend time teaching and learning with their favorite Fine Arts teacher!
about 1 year ago, JLM
Teacher for the day
Teacher for the day
Teacher for the day
Teacher for the day
Teacher for the day
Teacher for the day
Do you know someone who will be 5 years old on or before July 31, 2024? It’s time for their grown-ups to mark the calendar for Kindergarten Enrollment! Enroll online March 13, 2024. Staff will be available at 14 of our elementary schools from 2 - 7 p.m. that day for families who would like to stop by. Once your student is enrolled, you will be connected with your school for resources and information on upcoming events as we move closer to the first day of kindergarten. Go to bit.ly/48lIGMH and download the event to your calendar today. Watch for more information in January.
over 1 year ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
Kindergarten student solves a math problem by breaking apart and assembling blocks
Shout out for JL Mudd Elementary technology teacher Abigail Hawkins! The 2023 FZ Educator of the Year, is among this year's recipients of the Emerson Excellence in Teaching Award. The Emerson Award is one of the St. Louis region’s most recognized teacher recognition programs and, while it celebrates teachers’ accomplishments, it also celebrates their dedication to their students and the profession. Congratulations Abigail! You can hear from her in this FORTiTUDE podcast: bit.ly/3yMomVp
over 1 year ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
Congrats Abigail Hawkins, JL Mudd technology teacher & Recipient of the 2023 Emerson Excellence in Teaching Award
Shout out for JL Mudd Elementary technology teacher Abigail Hawkins! The 2023 FZ Educator of the Year, is among this year's recipients of the Emerson Excellence in Teaching Award. The Emerson Award is one of the St. Louis region’s most recognized teacher recognition programs and, while it celebrates teachers’ accomplishments, it also celebrates their dedication to their students and the profession. Congratulations Abigail! You can hear from her in this FORTiTUDE podcast: bit.ly/3yMomVp
over 1 year ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
Congrats Abigail Hawkins. The JL Mudd Technology teacher is a Recipient of the 2023 Emerson Excellence in Teaching Award
There's no season like show season! Tonight, tomorrow night and Saturday night, FZN Panther Players present: Pride and Prejudice.
over 1 year ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
FZN Panther Players present Pride and Prejudice 11.16 - 11.18
We are so thankful for our amazing Educational Support Professionals at JL Mudd! They go above and beyond for our panther cubs. We appreciate each of you!
over 1 year ago, JLM
Support Staff Day
Support Staff Day
Support Staff Day
Support Staff Day
Kindergarten students were eager to get started on their math benchmark this week!
over 1 year ago, JLM
Math Benchmark
Math Benchmark
Math Benchmark
Way to go JL Mudd families! There were 11 turkeys donated today! **UPDATE...We are now at 13!
over 1 year ago, JLM
Turkey Drive
Turkey Drive
Today we honored so many veterans and enjoyed every second of it! Thank you to everyone who made the day so special.
over 1 year ago, JLM
Veterans Day
Veterans Day
Veterans Day
Veterans Day
Veterans Day
Veterans Day
Coming Sunday on the FORTiTUDE podcast: #FZSupt update, complete with our new student segments. Celebrations, updates on our long-range plan and a look ahead to bad weather. Remember, you can always tune in on the FZ app, YouTube or where you get your podcasts.
over 1 year ago, FORTiTUDE podcast
FORTiTUDE: #FZSupt Update
Coming Sunday on the FORTiTUDE podcast: #FZSupt update, complete with our new student segments. Celebrations, updates on our long-range plan and a look ahead to bad weather. Remember, you can always tune in on the FZ app, YouTube or where you get your podcasts.
over 1 year ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
Coming Sunday #FZSupt update on FORTiTUDE podcast
There is so much learning that happens outside of the classroom! In PE this week students started to learn the foundations of throwing a football! In Library, students are investigating different bugs using many different sources. In Technology, students are collaborating as they research leaders throughout history!
over 1 year ago, JLM
Investigating bugs in Library
Investigating bugs
Research project
There is so much learning that happens outside of the classroom! In music this week students engaged in lots of movement and had to work together to follow the directions of the activity! In art, 1st graders worked hard on print making with warm and cool colors! In other classes students are working on artwork that will line the halls for Veterans Day!
over 1 year ago, JLM
1st grade print making with warm and cool colors!
Working hard on Veterans Day art!
1st grade print making with warm and cool colors!
Spooky music and movement!
Spooky music and movement
In 2022, 68% of voters approved #FZProp4, a $125 million no-tax-increase bond issue. Learn about the work underway to maintain and improve our facilities for the Health, Safety, Growth and Opportunity of our students in this FORTiTUDE podcast. bit.ly/3ZJxia4
over 1 year ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
FZProp4 Update with superintendent and director of building systems
In 2022, 68% of voters approved #FZProp4, a $125 million no-tax-increase bond issue. Learn about the work underway to maintain and improve our facilities for the Health, Safety, Growth and Opportunity of our students in this FORTiTUDE podcast. bit.ly/3ZJxia4
over 1 year ago, FORTiTUDE podcast
FORTiTUDE podcast: FZProp4 update with Superintendent and Director of Building Systems