Check out kindergarten and their hard work during word study! Students worked on writing the letter "J" & "W" while making the sounds as well. Great work, Mrs. Ayers class!

There is a lot of learning still happening before we go on break next week! Check out 2nd grade and how far they have come with their writing skills!

Our Blue Notes form closes tomorrow. Click the button below and send a Blue Note of appreciation, celebration or thanks to a staff member at your school. It will close at 5 p.m., Dec. 14, 2022. We'll be delivering them beginning Dec. 16. Let's make some noise for our amazing staff!
CLICK TO SUBMIT YOUR BLUE NOTE NOW: https://forms.gle/Rk19cZ1vdL8S2ofC8

Shoutout to our Drama Club and Mrs. Rhine for putting on a wonderful play. It was great welcoming families back for the play and seeing all of their hard work pay off!

Our Blue Notes have been so popular with students, parents, guardians and the community that we want to give #FZCommunity the opportunity to celebrate staff each semester. So, in this season of thanks and giving, we’re opening our form up so you can send a special note to a staff member who’s special to you. Click the button below and send a Blue Note of appreciation, celebration or thanks to a staff member at your school. It will close at 5 p.m., Dec. 14, 2022. We'll be delivering them beginning Dec. 16. Let's make some noise for our amazing staff!
CLICK TO SUBMIT YOUR BLUE NOTE NOW: https://forms.gle/Rk19cZ1vdL8S2ofC8

Our Blue Notes have been so popular with students, parents, guardians and the community that we want to give #FZCommunity the opportunity to celebrate staff each semester. So, in this season of thanks and giving, we’re opening our form up so you can send a special note to a staff member who’s special to you. Click the button below and send a Blue Note of appreciation, celebration or thanks to a staff member at your school. It will close at 5 p.m., Dec. 14, 2022. We'll be delivering them beginning Dec. 16. Let's make some noise for our amazing staff!
CLICK TO SUBMIT YOUR BLUE NOTE NOW: https://forms.gle/Rk19cZ1vdL8S2ofC8

If you missed the latest update from #FZSupt, tune in now to the FORTiTUDE podcast.

Thank you Panther Cub families for all your donations during KINDNESS WEEK! You donated over 500 items to the Humane Society!!
We also want to give a HUGE shoutout to our Leaders In Me Club and Leaders At The Mic Club! Both clubs worked on a kindness video, a kindness spirit week and decorated the halls for kindness!

Checking in this week with kindergarten and first grade during their math times! Students in both grade levels worked with shapes in a variety of ways. Check out the photos to see the fun that was had this week!

We are so grateful to have been able to welcome families earlier this month for our Family Reading night! We enjoyed watching families venture around the building playing games that are used to build literacy skills. Check out the photos!

Veterans day was everything we hoped it would be and more! Thank you families, students, and staff for an amazing day coming together to honor our JLM veterans.

Check out FORTiTUDE playlist #21stCenturySkills More on course offerings & student achievements in #FZSD Career Technical Ed pathways. Students, teachers, alum check in to discuss @PLTW, @SCCCaps, ZumwaltApprenticeships.com and more.
@MoEducation @GovMikeParson

We have been so busy at JLM recognizing our panther cubs for their leadership skills! Last week we had our Quarterly Celebration Assembly where we spotlighted our students who have met their reading goals and those with PERFECT attendance! Each teacher also selected their crown leaders for the quarter. Great job panther cubs!

Closing out Red Ribbon week! Great job Panther Cubs!

In his monthly update, #FZSupt Dr. DuBray celebrates the many community events taking place across the district and the power of the connection between home and school. https://thrillshare.com/s/news-fzsd/scheduled_article/baf8f6a5511b6c6bfba8f0a3

We are so proud of our students who received Wildly Positive Office Referrals last week! These students displayed courtesy and respect to themselves, others and went above and beyond to be leaders at JLM!

Today we wore red to show we are Ready to Live Drug Free!
**Don't forget to wear your favorite sports team gear or spirit wear to Team Up Against Drugs TOMORROW 10/25!

This week in Library...All grade levels participated in STEM projects that had students thinking outside of the box in many ways!
Kindergarten listened to the story, Pete the Cat Five Little Pumpkins and were challenged with making a fence to hold their pumpkins!
First grade listened to Creepy Carrots and were given a limited number of Legos to build a fence around a carrot patch!
2nd grade listened to The Runaway Pumpkin and created pumpkin stands to keep their pumpkin from running away!

At JLM we are always looking for leaders who continue to go above and beyond to make our school community a wonderful place to learn and grow! We love encouraging our students to be respectful, kind, and caring throughout their school day.

Checking in at JL Mudd Elementary, where Technology teacher Abigail Hawkins is marking #DigitalCitizenship week, as are her peers across #FZSD. Hawkins works with Kindergarteners, first-graders and second-graders to build technical skills that will help them in their academics and in their daily interactions online. Typing, creating presentations, how to make good choices online. You can learn more about our elementary Technology classes, and what our students know about being good digital citizens, in the newest FORTiTUDE podcast: bit.ly/3yMomVp